A Labor of Love

Sue Morris from Sue's Salves
September 5, 2023 79 view(s)
A Labor of Love

Artisans, we know that your products are a labor of love.

Although many people in the United States think of Labor Day as the unofficial end to summer or just a fun day to grill and hang out with friends one last time in the warm weather, the holiday actually began in some of the darkest days of America’s industrial history.

Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September.

Mickayla Poland from PA Made LLC, sorting some of her sticker designs

At the height of the Industrial Revolution in the United States in the late 1800s, the average American worked 12-hour days, seven days a week, making only enough money to provide a basic living. 

Children as young as 5 or 6 worked in dangerous conditions in factories, mills and mines, earning just a fraction of what adults did and losing out on their childhood. People of all ages, especially recent immigrants and the very poor, faced incredibly unsafe and unsanitary working conditions, with limited access to breaks and fresh air.



Outcry over working conditions became more vocal. Labor unions, protests and negotiations paved the way for more fair hours and pay for workers. On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers took unpaid time off to march from City Hall to Union Square in New York City, holding the first Labor Day parade in the history of the United States.

In honor of the valiant and relentless efforts of everyday working citizens to fight for better conditions, Labor Day was solidified into a national holiday in 1894.

Ryan Magaro from Rich Valley Apiary, collecting wax from honeycomb

When you buy a product from the PA Wilds Marketplace, you can feel proud knowing that these products were dreamt of, designed, crafted, printed and created by artisans who are happily making a living here in the PA Wilds.

These products are a labor of love. And although that labor is not always easy, we know that elevating their work and encouraging creative, happy, balanced and fulfilled individuals makes a better life for all of us. Thank you for supporting these artisans and celebrating what working in the PA Wilds is all about.

Click Here to learn more about artisans on the PA Wilds Marketplace, and support them by buying their locally made products.