Posts tagged 'book'

Of a Predatory Heart, outdoors memoir by Vietnam-era vet, sold through Kevin Coolidge storefront
November 28, 2023
109 view(s)

Of a Predatory Heart, outdoors memoir by Vietnam-era vet, sold through Kevin Coolidge storefront

Of A Predatory Heart by Joe Parry, a reprint of an outdoor enthusiast and veteran's short stories is now available on the PA Wilds Marketplace, under Kevin Coolidge's storefront.

PJ Piccirillo, researching for his historical books
June 23, 2023
258 view(s)

Books of the Pennsylvania Wilds

Books take us on new adventures! Sometimes those adventures are mental journeys, which we can read from the comfort of an armchair while envisioning historical events or faraway destinations. Other times, those adventures are quite literal... guidebooks can tag along with you on your explorations, providing you with maps and expert tips. Whatever type of adventure you enjoy, we have books on the PA Wilds Marketplace that can take you there.