Lucia, part of the PA Wilds Center for Entrepreneurship staff, offers some tasty tips for Thanksgiving and how some of the products at can help you have the perfect holiday dinner.
What started as a surprise from Agnus the chicken has turned into a region-wide outdoor egg hunt game for Allegheny Nesting, a homestead and artisan business in the PA Wilds.
I cannot tell you the amount of life lessons and memories that all 3 of my kids have made since we started adding animals to our homestead which is nestled in Elk County right next to the Allegheny National Forest. Responsibility, hard work, problem solving, where food comes from, where babies come from,wWhere milk comes so many lessons.
Many people use their camps or cabins for hunting excursions. However, even outside of hunting season, these camps provide a place where people can slow down and escape their daily routines. Group meals, campfires, good drinks, card games and lots of laughter are the key to the quintessential camp experience. You want your camp to feel as comfortable as your home, while still maintaining that sense of ruggedness and escape from the “real world.”